Hardcore sex also refers to rough sex which is not easily seen performed by escorts, but our escorts in Munich are educated well about the sensitivity related to a hardcore sex and they also teach their client how to make it more intense and pleasurable because the reality is far beyond the pornography. What you see in the sex videos is not real and will not gonna happen in real life ever, but because when people watch anything in a porn video they create its own fantasy to do it in their real life and here is when the problems start. If you ask your wife or girlfriend it’s 80% chance they say no to those kinky sex plays because in real life it’s difficult and really painful what you see in the video they are enjoying it very much.
But when a man has a sexual fantasy but couldn’t get it from his wife or girlfriend, he becomes aggressive and not focused because of dissatisfaction from his life. That’s why we trained our callgirls for the best against the worst and they are ready to make a hardcore intimate sexual relation to satisfy you with your dirty sex fantasies and they make them complete in your real life. And you become a happier person again and will say lots of thanks to our professional escort girls. It called also forceful sex, rough sex, harsh sex, sex violation and obviously BDSM